Thursday, May 19, 2011

Maternity Session for baby Peyton!

When I ventured into this world of photography, I had urged a good friend of mine to allow me to take her pictures when she was around 8 months or so... It took some nagging, but she did let me take a few..and as a result I received the BEST compliment.. She was now "more excited about having a girl then ever!!" She did ask that I only show a few and only those of the faces... A mother's wish is my command.. Here were my top 5!! Enjoy!

Taylor... My first Maternity Session

A few months ago I was asked by my hairdresser to take some Maternity Pictures of a close friend of hers... It was to be a gift for her baby shower!! I was so excited for the opportunity as it would be my first session where I didn't know the client! I met Taylor and Brian via face book and emailed or text here and there about ideas for their up coming shoot! They were laid back people, excited to meet their new member of their family.. All in all, it was a FABULOUS Session to say the least. Here are a few of my favorites... Feel free to comment and leave her some love... She was truly amazing...

After finishing our shoot outside, I was able to visit Taylor the following week at her home to capture a few more intimate shots. 

Thank You Taylor and Brian for allowing me to capture this moment with you both! It was great to be a part of your world for a few days! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Geelan's!

The Geelan's are friends of our family and have two very beautiful girls! I was thrilled to get a call to set up a session with them at Wrights Field, Alpine! Thank you guys for showing me a new place to take some AWESOME pictures!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rex's 3rd Birthday!

Hey all! The family and I were invited to take a drive up the coast to Laguna Beach this past weekend and we jumped at the opportunity... I just finished a photography class and couldn't wait to try some things on the kids at the party and just see what fun stuff I could come up with... I didn't want to be the weird Mom with the camera the ENTIRE party and just wanted to get some shots of the kids for fun and practice.. Rex's Mom is a good friend of mine and I just love her and her family! So fun!

We enjoyed our time with Rex and his Thomas the Train bouncy.. Thanks again for the invite and we look forward to visiting with you all again soon!